
Showing posts from March, 2023

WW2 US M3 Lee

 The United States M3 Lee which of which 6,258 were built by five different manufacturing companies during WW2. This was the first olive drab tank I’ve done and required a slightly different approach when it came to weathering.

WW2 British Matilda

 The British Matilda tank which is depicted here serving in North Africa. The Tamiya kit was created using acrylics and only two mediums for weathering - VMS Black Steel pigment and Tamiya panel liner.

WW1 British Mk.I Tank

The Mark.I was the first tank actually used in combat. Developed in 1915 this “male” version had two 6 pounder guns for its armament along with 3 Hotchkiss machines guns. This is a Takom kit in 1/35 scale.